Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Community Input on Spending OSP Funds

Last night the Open Steno Project received an extremely generous donation of $500 from a longtime community member who wishes to remain anonymous. This brings our total funds (Donations + Store Sales to over $2,500. Not too shabby! We've got some of that earmarked for future projects -- domain names, a software cert, etc -- but there will probably be some left over. Community feedback on how best to spend the funds would be helpful. What do you think? A bulk buy of ultralight key switches or other hardware to sell in the store? Seed money for another crowdfunded steno game campaign? Or should we sit on it for a while longer until the right opportunity comes along? All ideas welcome.

A thousand thanks again to our magnanimous benefactor!! This community is amazing.

1 comment:

  1. I am a big believer in saving money ... so I would most likely go with the option of spending half of the money, and keeping the other half for other stuff, later on down the road.
