Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Open Steno at the New York Tech Alliance

I had the pleasure of speaking about the Open Steno Project at the New York Tech Alliance Meetup this week! I might post video when it becomes available, but in the mean time, here are a few photos of the event. I had both my Jarne and my Infinity Ergonomic connected to my laptop, with the cursor in the Streamtext Connector window, which was outputting to Streamcast on the big screen in the room and also to Zoom for the one remote tech demo of the evening. I was able to caption myself with the Jarne while speaking at the podium, and then I used my Infinity Ergonomic to caption the other speakers. It all worked pretty seamlessly, and I had a great time! Thanks to Doug and Xian of the New York Tech Alliance for the invitation!

Me speaking at a podium
Me typing on a Jarne
Photo of my Infinity Ergonomic
Slide with stats about steno
Doug from NYTA introducing Open Steno with live captioning and a bunch of steno machines on the slide

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