Saturday, June 13, 2020

He Completed Typey Type!

Check out this fantastic blog post by someone who got 100% progress on Typey Type! It's a great read, and made me so dang happy.
And so, after five months of practice, I finally reached 100% completion, meaning I have been able to type 10,000 words without mis-strokes. I was initially worried that I was not hitting goals fast enough since I read of people who were, say, getting up to 50 words-per-minute (WPM) after just a month or two of steno practice. Maybe they had the luxury to dedicate their entire full-time schedule to stenography, or maybe they were super-geniuses, or maybe a bit of both…. Regardless, I needed to consciously ignore all this, not compare myself to anyone else (real or imagined), and just keep up the routine. It may have taken a while, but I do not mind; the journey has been beneficial and being able to hit a goal feels great!

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