Wednesday, November 29, 2023

TinyMod Split!!

The ever-amazing Charley has made a new version of the TinyMod, which I've been carrying around as a backup machine in my steno bag for years now. It's the TinyMod Split!!

picture of a TinyMod Split on a wooden table

I just got this free review unit from Charley in the mail, so I haven't gotten a chance to put it through its paces yet, but I'm very excited about it. Ever since my late lamented Georgi gave up the ghost, I've really been hankering for a split-style hobbyist steno board that will allow me to tent my hands the way I do with my ridiculously expensive professional Infinity Ergonomic machine. Charley's machines tend to be rock solid reliable and have a really great feel to them, so I'm looking forward to giving it a try. Full review forthcoming!

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Stenophonatic on the Go

I'm taking my 7-year-old on a plane for the first time to visit my home town in Montana, so it's a short post today, but I brought a pack of Stenophonatic cards with me, a generous gift from its inventor, so if we get some downtime during the trip to play it together, I'll be sure to report back on how it goes!

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Typey Type Updates!

I always enjoy a Typey Type update!
  • New Typey Type Voice settings
  • When your accuracy is below 90%, Typey Type now tells you to repeat the lesson
  • New exponent numbers dictionary to write E=mc²
  • Emily's symbols lesson on Typey Type with new punctuation descriptions
  • Typey Type now lets you save study type preset settings

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Plover at the Bloop Museum!

Read this delightful and heartwarming story about the Plover community helping to decipher and archive an old stenographic floppy disk from 1993! The Bloop Museum is a very cool project set up for the purpose of recovering and archiving both data and hardware. The upshot of the collaboration between Bloop and Plover?
Combined with all the other evidence gathered, this document was handed back to the court system, and Maryland has now exonerated not one but two individuals from wrongful accusation.

Pretty amazing. Well done, Bloop Museum, and well done, Plover community!

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Steno Doom Typist

Our dear friend Paul is at it again! Doom... But typing. Typing... But steno. Paul wipes the floor with inferior input methods and cleans up handily by using steno to tip-tap-type his way through monstrous mazes. Viewer discretion... Is advised.