This blog has been pretty quiet lately, but don't worry. I'll be able to start posting on a more regular basis pretty soon now. You also might have noticed that the Plover Wiki (I finally added that quickstart guide I promised!) and Aviary were down for a while recently, but fortunately they're now back online and will hopefully stay that way. The Google Group is still going as strong as ever. We're now up to 172 members! I'm hoping to add some useful pedagogical material both to this site and to the wiki over the next week or two, including an illustrated guide to sticking on the keytoppers you can buy in the Plover Store and the long, long-awaited fifth installment of Steno 101, which will be covering numbers, punctuation, and simple commands. For now, though, I leave you with a newly corrected version of the Steno Layout poster (previously the "C" was labeled "K", due to a mixup with the graphic designer), which you'll hopefully be able to purchase prints of via the Plover Store fairly soon, along with a straight-up alphabetical version, for those who prefer a quick reference without all the categorizations. Oh, and a very silly picture of me and the proprietor of Unusual Cards at Maker Faire, taken by my good friend (and open source philanthropist) Leonard Richardson. This is my current mobile steno rig, running Plover and writing into Vim. It's not the most graceful contraption you ever saw, but it got a lot of attention and I was able to hand out plenty of Plover stickers, which was pretty much what I was going for.