Monday, May 11, 2015

Roslyn's Stenoboard Videos

I haven't gotten a chance to watch both of these all the way through, but I thought I should post them so that people who want more information on the StenoBoard can get a glimpse of what the assembly process actually involves. This one is uncaptioned, but it's mostly about the visuals, so the audio can be safely ignored:

And this one, with some ideas of how to make the StenoBoard more like a traditional lever-based machine, actually is captioned:

Roslyn described herself recently in the Plover Google Group this way:
I worked through all the LearnPlover modules in a few months last year on an nkro keyboard before deciding that I really did want to do this as a career. I probably spent about 10-15 hours a week, just fitting it in where I could (I had my three year old home with me most of the time, so it was a bit sporadic). Last October, I enrolled in Australia's only Court Reporting school (distance ed) and had to start again (using the manual machine they lent me) because they teach a different steno theory. I am about halfway through theory now - I do about 15-20 hours a week and we learn to write at 60wpm (from tape recorded drills). The main reason I didn't just continue self-teaching is because of the difficulty in getting a 'real' machine here in Australia. We have a very small industry compared to the US. I have recently bought a Stenoboard and I'm using that in conjunction with StenoTutor - it's really speeding up my progress because it lets me focus specifically on the words I'm writing slowest - I highly recommend it :-). At the rate I'm going, I'm hoping to be through theory and onto speedbuilding in another three months (although life still sometimes does get in the way!)
I think it's really cool that not only did Plover help her decide on steno as a professional career, but that it's inspired her to make videos that she can share with the wider open steno community. Very gratifying and much appreciated!

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