I've created a little (Windows-only) desktop widget to show Plover's status (running/stopped) in a more aesthetically pleasing way than keeping the window up all the time to watch the big "P". After a few months of working out kinks, I think it's working well, and wanted to share it with you all:Isn't it gorgeous? If you run Windows and you want something beyond the blocky and admittedly uninspiring Plover "P" box, go give it a try!
It's a Rainmeter skin with three variants (left to right: bubble, icon, letter), with an AutoHotKey script included that needs to be running to alert Rainmeter.
How it works: the AHK script registers with the Windows shell to get messages whenever windows redraw; any time the Plover window does this, the script checks the window title ("running" or "stopped") and, if it's changed, sends a message to Rainmeter to refresh the skin, changing the colors.
Note that it requires both Rainmeter (http://rainmeter.net/) and AutoHotKeyAutoHotKey (http://ahkscript.org/) to run.
Available for download: http://monochromatope.deviantart.com/art/PloverStatusIndicator-1-01-541857076
Source available, too: https://github.com/shayneholmes/PloverStatusIndicator
How to install it: Download and install the .rmskin file, then run the .ahk file in the installed folder (and put a link in your startup folder so it runs on boot).
It is especially nice if you have a second monitor. Hope some of you find something useful in it.
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Beautiful Plover Skin for Rainmeter
Shayne from the Google Group writes:
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1 comment:
The new skin sounds great, but have a question about Windows 10. Plover is working in Windows 10 as far as auto loading, but I cannot access editing the writer or dictionary. It seems to reside in the bottom panel (taskbar) and running mouse over it shows Plover is running, but I cannot access any of the controls. Weird. It writes just fine, but should I want to add an entry or change the writer, I seem to not be able to access in Windows 10 (recent update). I can only run Plover. Ideas?
-- Mark Crossley (signlaw@gmail.com)
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