Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Taking a Mulligan on Thumbs Up Machines

two hobbyist steno machines with raised vowels
A very long time ago I received the boards pictured above from SashaK of ThumbsUp for free, with the promise that I would give them a review on this blog. Unfortunately, try as I might, I was never able to get them to work for my hands and fingers. Something about the tiered layers just always felt wrong to me, and for whatever reason I wasn't able to move past that. I felt like I wasn't able to give them a fair review, so I kept putting it off, but it's been so long now that it's just been too long. If anyone who lives in NYC and reads this blog would like me to donate the boards to them, I'd be very happy to do so! They're not for me, but maybe they would work for you. Message me on Discord if you want to meet me somewhere in Manhattan and take them. SashaK has said:
I am preparing a couple of new versions and trying to incorporate users’ wishes into them. For example, the MX version will be compatible with Gateron Low Profile switches instead of ALPS.

So if that sounds appealing, or you have any other requests you'd like to make of Sasha, get in touch with him on the Discord or go to ThumbsUp to order the new version of the boards!

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