Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Plover at PyCon 2024

me with a giant steno bag against a brick wall
me with Vanessa AKA Miss Steno

Last weekend I got to caption PyCon US 2024 in Pittsburgh alongside my fellow captioners working with White Coat Captioning, including the illustrious Vanessa, AKA Miss Steno, one of the very few professional captioners on the planet who owns nearly as many DIY/Hobbyist steno boards as I do! We got to nerd out about captioning and open steno, I got to show her my TinyMod, TinyMod Split, and Jarne, and we even recorded a What's In My Steno Bag video together! Stay tuned for that! I hadn't gotten the chance to caption PyCon since 2019, so it was all such a treat. I got to show off my big screen captioning using Plover writing into Vim and got some lovely comments from attendees, and I got to hang out with colleagues, which is a relatively infrequent occurrence in the life of an independent contractor like me. I had a blast.

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