Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Plover2CAT v3.1.0

The excellent plants writes on the Plover Discord:

Plover2CAT v.3.1.0 can be installed directly from the plugin manager!

You can now set highlight colors for different text elements. There are many bug fixes and speed improvements under the hood. See the changes here.

Plover2CAT will be migrating to Qt6 following Plover 5 development. This will be the last feature update for Plover 4 except for urgent bug fixes.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Plover 4 is finally here!!

Thanks to the heroic efforts of the amazing mkrnr and many other wonderful devs over the past many years, Plover 4 has at long last been officially released! What a wonderful day! Infinite gratitude and appreciation to everyone who has come together to make this happen!!!

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Plover v4.0.0rc5 released!

The marvelous mkrnr says:

Plover v4.0.0rc5 released

Adds Linux Wayland support, as requested by many. Huge thanks to @LilleAila | 5 wpm / 70% for the implementation! Adds a new button to the plugins manager that allows installation via a GitHub URL. Thanks to @plants!

Please check out the GitHub release page for all changes and for the installer files.

We want to release plover v4.0.0 soon, so we'd love some testing and feedback for this release candidate

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Plover Development Taking Off!

Thanks in large part to the wonderful mkrnr, the Plover GitHub Repo is buzzing at the moment! Our devs have been fixing and updating and doing a ton of important maintenance work. It's wonderful to see this rejuvenation, and I'm so grateful for everyone's help. Infinite appreciation and admiration to all our contributors! If you'd like to pitch in, contact mkrnr on the Plover Discord for guidance!